Colloquium aankondiging

Faculteit Engineering Technology

Afdeling Design, Production and Management
Master opleiding Industrial Design Engineering

In het kader van zijn/haar doctoraalopdracht zal

Qi, H. (Hao)

een voordracht houden getiteld:

Reducing Negative Emotions in Self-reflection Process of Bullet Journal Users



As a bullet journal content maker with 8,000 subscribers, I get to observe the behavior patterns of many bullet journal users. Notably, the view count of my content about self-reflecting with bullet journal is significantly lower than my other content about bullet journal (1000 views versus 20000 views). This phenomenon evoked my curiosity about why self-reflection, such an important section in the bullet journal, which is a format that is used by more than 100,000 worldwide users, draws less attention than other sections. Therefore, I conducted this research to understand why they are not interested in self-reflection. Is it necessary to promote self-reflection? If so, how to promote it with designs?

For a more in-depth understanding, desk research was conducted in the first part of the study. During desk research, the essence of bullet journal will be explored and discussed. By analyzing Ryder Carroll's approach, it is understood that the use of bullet journaling itself is a form of passive reflection. However, he also advocates a gradual transition from passive reflection to proactive reflection. Frequently, it is the proactive reflection that is neglected by bullet journal users. Based on this conclusion, a study was conducted on proactive reflection. Through this study, the reason that may prevent users from reflecting was found - users may develop negative emotions during the reflection process. To verify this, user interviews were executed. The results of the interviews showed that most of the users believed that negative emotions do arise during the reflection process and prevent them from reflecting, or even prevent them from developing the habit of reflection. To address this issue, the research focus was put on the reduction and improvement of negative emotions.

Through a new round of research, four main methods that can alleviate negative emotions were found. By comparing the four methods and finally discussing with users, expressive writing, which best fits the framing of the study and users' expectations, was chosen. To verify the validity and feasibility of expressive writing, a bullet journal prototype that combined with expressive writing was made. These prototypes were tested and evaluated with real users. The prototype testing provides positive feedback confirming that the negativity of the reflection process was alleviated through the use of expressive writing. This brings us to the final stage of this study. Based on user feedback, the prototype was iterated into a more refined product design solution. Relevant design principles were also derived by analyzing the data returned by the sample users.